
Frequently asked questions about installation for products purchased on

Does your product include installation?

To know if the product you are purchasing comes with an installation service, look for the installation-related message on the product detail page. For more details like charges involved, slot availability, and the installation process, reach out to the service provider using the contact information provided on the product detail page.

Note: In some cases, you might have to click on the installation message to get more information regarding the service and the service provider

How can I modify the installation slot?

To modify (cancel or reschedule) a slot, contact the service provider using the contact information provided on the product detail page or visit Your Orders and request modification.

Note: In some cases, you might have to click on the installation message to get more information regarding the service and the service provider

Did the product get delivered early, how to prepone the installation slot?

In case the product gets delivered earlier than the expected delivery slot, you can reschedule/modify the installation slot to a prior time by going to Your Orders → Selecting the Installation Service Order → Select ‘Reschedule’ and checking the box ‘I have received my product. Would like to schedule the service’. For mocks, see below:

Can installation be done at a different address?

Currently, installation service can only be provided at the delivery address of the product.

How do I contact the assigned technician?

For details about the technician, reach out to the service provider using the contact information provided on the product detail page, or, check your SMS and email notifications for these details. Generally, technician details are shared with you within 4 hours of the scheduled slot.

Note: In some cases, you might have to click on the installation message to get more information regarding the service and the service provider