About A-to-z Guarantee

The Raavna A-to-z Guarantee protects you when you purchase items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller.

Note: For instructions on how to raise an A-to-z guarantee refund, visit this page.

Requirements of A-to-Z Guarantee

  • You must have purchased physical goods from a seller on the Raavna.in the marketplace
  • You must wait for three business days post the maximum estimated delivery date or the tracking shows a delivery confirmation displayed in your order details, whichever is sooner. Visit Your Orders, to view the estimated delivery date.
  • The item you received was damaged, defective, or materially different and you returned it in line with Raavna.in Returns Policy but you have not received the refunded or the refund was for the wrong amount. You must
  • (1) contact the seller within the applicable return window mentioned at Raavna.store Returns Policy from receipt of the item and
  • (2) postmark the return within 14 days from arranging the return with the seller.Note:
    • If it a Raavna Business order, wherein you’ve received damaged/defective/wrong items, you need to inform the seller of such issue within 7 days of receipt of items, to initiate the return process.
    • We may require you to first contact the seller and either wait for a response or for 2 business days before you are eligible to request a refund.
    • You are limited to a lifetime maximum of seventy-five (75) refund requests. Withdrawn requests do not count towards this maximum.

Restrictions for A-to-z guarantee:

The following items and situations are not covered under the Raavna A-to-Z Guarantee:

  • Digital merchandise.
  • Credit card payments where the issuing bank has initiated a chargeback.