About the Shopping Cart

Items added to your Shopping Cart will be available from any compatible web browser or Raavna Websites that has been signed in to your account.

Tip: If your Shopping Cart is empty or items are missing from it, it is likely that you are not logged into your account.

Placing an available item in your shopping cart does not reserve that item. Available inventory is only assigned to your order after you click Place your order and receive an e-mail confirmation that we’ve received your order.

You can modify an item in your Shopping Cart:

  • To change the quantity, enter a number in the Quantity box and click Update.

Note: We strive to provide customers with great prices, and sometimes that means we limit the quantity to ensure that the majority of customers have an opportunity to order products that have very low prices or a limited supply. We may also adjust your quantity in checkout to reflect your recent purchases of a quantity-limited item.

If the product has a minimum order quantity specified, then you cannot order a quantity that is less than the minimum quantity limit. If you do so, the minimum order quantity will be updated automatically to the minimum allowable during checkout.